I love her outfit, don't you? Maybe If I have some time today I will straighten this photo.

Wonder what the BET Awards are? Here's the wiki and website. It stands for Black Entertainment Television, and it awards talented African American people in the arts industry. This year's host is Queen Latifah. I have no idea if you may see Sara at this event on TV, but if your interested you can watch it on TV June 29th(tomorrow). For listings search BET Awards at tvguide.com
Another category has been added to the gallery, performances. This section does include red carpet and backstage pics too. All are reposts from my old site. The gallery is just a few more categories from being finished! After that the media will be continued on. Click here or go the gallery page in the menu to see them!
Under media,  the Icons link will lead you to my collection of Sara icons. Four brand new ones have been added, the rest are from the old source site. Click on just one of my new icons to go there.
First off, I am relieved to say more of the site is complete! 2 more categories are in the gallery, and Sara Diamond pages are done!

See Clique Girlz & Twitter/Other now!
Sara's mother Wendy Wiseman's company has a dollar IPhone App that Sara Diamond sings on. Not only will you support Sara, but you will support her mother too. If you have a younger sibling (4 is good age), why not buy it for them? From what I have heard on the Itunes reviews kids love it! Four year olds can get a start to the paino through it. Click here to buy it. From NuMuBu, Wendy is even offering her songs free now on her numubu as a favor for buying it. Also just so you now, from Sara's twitter you can tell she is happy she graduated 10th grade.




New Header
You probably have noticed the new header, finally a header not a picture! After some logo adjustments (this was source at first and the sub head was different) and resizing to fit the layout header needs I was able to put it up.

Sara D's Twitter Love
We tweeted to Sara, and she replied and retweeted. Thanks, Sara! It is  my mission to make a site that pleases you and all your fans (like me)! Here is some proof if you have not already checked out her twitter. Mainly, I posted these just to prove in the case of future conflicts over if she approves of this website, you cannot argue with me. This has happened to good, faithful fansites that try hard to please, but get accused of hacking and junk by people who waste their time and life, even when the person they made the site for has complimented them. Not to brag, for that possibly important reason.
Check out twitter.com/SaraMDWeb or look at the pink badge in the sidebar (the red is Sara's).
Sorry guys, well I was making this site I didn't get a chance to post these.
Both From Twitter
I bet Wendy was in for a big suprise! I thought it was a special twit so I posted it.