"I haven't worn a jean jacket in a while ! Lunch wif ze mama :) "
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7/7/2010 10:09:31 pm

Goodness gracious! I missed you! So sorry for not replying to your recent e-mails. So busy with school. I hope we'll get frequent contact again.

Once again, I missed you. We haven't talked for more than a month. O.O

7/9/2010 12:00:09 pm

I missed you too. I understand, I have been busy myself too. I know, time flies deosn't it?

Kathleen of Stunning N.M.D.
7/13/2010 11:15:49 pm

Yes, it does. Maybe, the time needs to slow down for a while. Right?

7/15/2010 01:54:59 am

Totally. It seems like July just started and it is already mid month.

Kathleen of Stunning N.M.D.
7/15/2010 09:41:32 pm

I know. It really sucks when time's ahead of you and your behind the time.

7/16/2010 05:03:52 am

Yeah, that is how I feel.


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